
1. 111/02/14-02/26 全校課程不論修課人數可採實體或線上上課,尤其建議80人以上課程以線上上課為主,採用線上上課方式請授課老師務必於上課前告知學生。
2. 實體上課請老師和學生皆需全程佩戴口罩,教室內禁止飲食。
3. 體育課上課、各項球類運動各種校隊集訓、社團、表演活動也請全程配戴口罩,遵守防疫規定。


教務處-課務組 謹啟

Prevention measures regarding teaching and learning for the 1102 semester (0207):

1. For the purpose of epidemic prevention, the online teaching or in-person class can be adopted for ALL courses from 2/14 to 2/26. Courses enrolled by 80 students or more, the online learning mode are highly suggested. The teaching mode should be announced in advance.
2. For in-person classes, participants should wear masks properly all the time; eating and drinking in the classroom is forbidden.
3. Wearing a mask is also required when attend the Physical Education, university group sports, university clubs, and other performance activities.

If there is any update to epidemic-prevention measures, the relevant information will be announced in due course.

Further questions, please contact our staff by email: joyetw@mail.tcu.edu.tw, or by phone: (03) 856-5301 ext. 1106, 1107, 1131 or 1139.

Office of Academic Affairs